Hard to belive another year has passed and while I love the Australian warm christmas with all its tradition of lovely seafood and beach cricket its hard not to be just a bit jealous of our sisters in cool climates. Snow must be the ultimate decorator accessory and creating a cozy warm environment so satisfying. Maybe next year. Well with the shop at breakneck speed and the endless round of school committments with the kids its been a nectic time but as we sat down to lunch at my lovely linen tablecloth bought in Paris and the little christmas robins hanging on the tree which I carefully nursed back from Macys in Hawaii . I am so thankful that my husband is home after over 4 months in France working and my three children and 2 step children are all healthy and happy and make our life so full of energy and happiness. I am also thankful that the shop continues to grow and my lovely customers give me so much encouragement and support as things evolve and blossom. I am lucky that this year I got to take two holidays, one to my dream city of Paris and one with my mum to Hawaii and spend some time being a daughter rather than a mum. Ive also spent a few fantastic long weekends with good friends laughing like a teenager , shopping and doing lattes and drinking too much wine over lunch.
I am so blown away just peeking into the beautiful homes of bloggers who put their heart and soul into creating lovely homes and wonderful memories for their families and don't want to imagine a world without women like that who take time to decorate cook and put meaning in what can be a cold and commercial time of year. Hats off to you all and may 2010 bring you health happiness and joy. May we all remember the abundance we are so very lucky to enjoy.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
My French Holiday
As I pack for a lovely holiday with mum to Hawaii I have to share that I fulfilled my life long dream of sipping cafe in a Parisien cafe. Although not long enough I joined my husband who works in France most years for a month or 3 for a quick 2 week visit cramming as much in as I could. I have filled my journal with my ramblings and sketches, so many buildings I wanted to draw but time and rsi limited me lol. Paris lived up to every daydream I have ever had (lots!) and Provence makes me cry even having been back for 3 weeks, I think was meant to live there and perhaps it will happen one day...St Remy was the most perfect village to stop and enjoy the lifestyle for but a few days and although the Mistral was brutally chilly we visited every shop, bistro and cafe in the town, alas no markets the days were were in town.
My trip has resparked my love for french goodies although they must work with my coastal style ...so before Mr Right returns home I must change some furniture and re-introduce some french favourites. Piccies on their way (so many shopfronts!)
My trip has resparked my love for french goodies although they must work with my coastal style ...so before Mr Right returns home I must change some furniture and re-introduce some french favourites. Piccies on their way (so many shopfronts!)
Monday, June 15, 2009
Im so inspired today having spent a good few hours reading some trully wonderful blogs that I vow to post regularly and share some images from my home and shop when time permits, with a website to run and facebook calling I find it all so time consuming but have decided that blogging is what I like. There are so many thousands of trully talented women around the world who are such kindred spirits and as a shop owner it is hard to stay inspired sometimes but when you see what is going on out there it really does energise me. I am such a novice bloogger that I would like to say that if I use images saved on my pc without giving credit please please let me know as it is not my wish to plaguerise, so much of this goes on in the world. As a friend recently reminded me.....imitation is the highest form of flattery (will keep telling self this through gritted teeth), I would dearly love to hear from other retailers trying to stay alive and unique in this very difficult time and love to offer bespoke and handmade items at my shop. I try to do some of my own work every week so that I don't become a boring chainstore but time is the enemy of the small business owner (not to mention mother of three). Keep up the good work bloggers and if you have left emails on the website please be patient, my husband already cooks 3 nights a week so I can keep up with my keyboard committments....pushing my luck.........
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sadly my house sale has fallen through so we are back on the market again, ho hum, real estate is a fickle thing, back to dreaming about my beach house. Got some lovely drawers off the side of the road yesterday though and am thinking will paint them up blue and white for my daughter's room, now just to convince her to stick to her blue theme.....
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Now that I have found a minute to post I find myself searching for anything to add, we have just sold our house so am very excited about the prospect of a new home as that means....new rooms to decorate of course! Am still on the lookout for lovely shabby beachs style furniture to take to the new house and lots more art. My cafe has had a makeover so I will finish that and post later.
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